Like you, we’re dedicated to empowering, encouraging, and educating kids to create a life they love. We know that this starts with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), which is why we share our light by providing tools and resources that kids actually enjoy!
Our mission is to partner with you to teach and inspire learners to make good decisions, think critically, resist negative social pressures, and become happy, resilient, compassionate, and confident.
SEL stands for Social-Emotional Learning. It’s exactly what it sounds like! It is the development of social and emotional skills, or in other words, learning how to effectively relate to others and express oneself. SEL skills are the foundation of success in the classroom and beyond.
Emily Lauren Dick is a Creative Marketer, published author, Positive Body Image activist and parent who is passionate about making a positive impact in the world by cultivating empathy, inclusivity, and taming shame.
5-12% decrease in school dropout rates.
13% increase in academic achievement.
42% less likely to be involved in physical aggression.
20% less bulling against students with disabilities.
Improves lifetime outcomes (such as decreased likelihood of receiving public assistance, needing public housing, police involvement in adolescence, spending time in detention facility).
Improves the comprehension of sex education. Sex education reduces the rates of sexual activity, sexual risk behaviors (ex. number of partners, unprotected intercourse), STI’s, and adolescent pregnancy.
79% of employers say SEL skills are most important qualities for job success.
Determines higher levels of well-being up to 18 years later.
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93% of teachers want a greater focus on SEL in schools.
70% of young adults wish for more or better guidance on relationships from parents or health class.
Millennial and Gen X Parents are drawing a new roadmap for parenting focusing on a more positive and present approach.
Parents underwhelmed by the quality of existing resources and no longer rely on guidance from sources such as family and friends.
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MindSpark Kids is designed to provide support and guidance for a diverse range of children facing various social and emotional challenges.
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